The intent of this procedure is to help the Rochester Lions Club maintain an accurate accounting of all “Event” funds raised and dispersed during any Lions fiscal year.  To help with the completion of these forms examples along with instructions are attached.

It is the responsibility of the chairperson of any event to submit all income and expenses to the Club Treasurer in a timely manner. Only the chairperson should submit income and expenses to the Treasurer, using the Club Event Income and Expense forms.

The forms have been created with macros so the total can be accumulated automatically when amounts are entered.  The forms have also been created with a “Tab” feature which allows the user to step from field to field just by hitting the “Tab” key. All non dated entry fields have been protected in order to prevent the user form making changes to the form.   The forms are posted here on the club web site and can be downloaded as needed for your convenience.   The Master Forms are Read Only Files.  You must change the name of the file in order to create and save a copy of the file for your event.


EXPENSES –   Click here to download Expense Report Template

In addition to the expense amounts and expense receipts, the Event Expense Form must also include the name or names that the check(s) should be made out to along with instructions to the treasurer on who the checks should be given to or how they should be distributed. It is preferred that the expenses be lumped together and submitted at the regular bimonthly meetings or the monthly Board of Director’s meeting in order to cut down on paperwork volume.  However, they can be submitted individually at any time providing an Event Expense form is completed and submitted with each check request. A copy of the completed form should be kept by the Chairperson with the Treasurers signature and date, to accurately prepare the Income and Expense Report Summary.


INCOME –  Click here to download Income Report Template

Just like the Event Expenses, Event Income transactions require an Event Income Form be submitted to the treasurer when any money is turned in for deposit.  The procedure has been simplified by breaking down the reporting of totals by check denomination, (i.e. number of $15, $25 etc) along with a total by each denomination, and a grand total for the transaction.  (See sample form below)


INCOME & EXPENSE REPORT SUMMARY -  Click here to download the Income & Expense Report Summary Template

A full Income and Expense Report Summary must be submitted to the Club Treasurer, not more than 30 days after the event.  (If totals for the event are not complete within the 30 days the chairman should submit a preliminary summary and update with final amounts once they are known.) The Income and Expense Report Summary is to include a listing of all Income and Expense submitted for the event, in chronological order, along with a total for the event.  Differences between the event chairman and treasure records do happen due to miss counts, bad checks etc.  These differences will be resolved and or reported by the chairman and treasure at their discretion.


For the complete instructions of these procedures, click here to download the document.