Fellow Lions,
Your help is needed by the Multiple District Strategic Planning Committee, in conjunction with the Council of Governors and the other Multiple District Committees, in the process of developing a long range action plan for the Lions of Michigan.
Any organization must have goals and workable plans to meet those goals in order to grow and survive. In order to develop a workable action plan, it is imperative to get ideas from, and understand the current thinking of, the Lions whose clubs will be affected by that plan. In other words, we need to know what you think about what is being done, what else can or should be done, and all other aspects of the Lions of Michigan.
An action plan, or strategic plan, must address the many changes which have affected our world of service: from widening use of technology, to changed cultural attitudes, to volunteering through service organizations, to the changing needs of the people we serve. The action plan must be consistent with an organizations values and mission statement.
In the survey below we are asking that you give us your opinion and comments on various areas of the Lions community that impact the different levels of Lions. From your personal experiences and from what you may have observed, we ask that you complete this survey to help guide us.
You do not have to give any personal information if you do not want to. Please complete this survey before February 28, 2014 and bring it with you to the Forum (February 27 and 28) in Lansing or send it to the Chairman of the MD 11 Strategic Planning Committee (address on form). Make as many copies of the survey as needed and pass them on to other Lions in your club to complete.
Lion Dave Eberlein, PDG